Report Cards - Digital
Beginning February 14th - All EDUHSD Report Cards will be Digital
The El Dorado Union High School District is furthering its efforts in being environmentally conscious and helping to ensure the ongoing fiscal responsibility of the District by moving to electronic report cards. Beginning with the February 14th progress report, all progress reports and report cards will be available to parents electronically through the Aeries Parent Portal. This move to electronic report cards will:
- Save approximately 35,000 sheets of paper annually as well as a tremendous amount of printer ink. This equates to saving approximately 7-8 trees per year!
- Save over $30,000 annually between postage costs and materials
- Provide parents with immediate electronic access to their student’s report cards
Report cards will be available by logging in through the Aeries Parent Portal found here: Aeries: Portals as well as on the Aeries Mobile Portal available through the Apple App Store or Google Play. Report cards will be available based on the schedule indicated on page 9 of the District Student Handbook published annually. The handbook can be found here:
To help ensure you are able to easily access your student’s report cards, we ask that you take a moment to login in to your Aeries Parent Portal and confirm your contact information, including email, is correct. If you forgot your password, please click on the “Forgot Password?” tab to reset your account password. If you need assistance creating a new account, please refer to this document.
Once in the Aeries Parent Portal, you will be able to locate your student’s report cards by clicking the “Grades” tab at the top of the screen and selecting “Report Card History” from the dropdown menu:

Beginning with the February 14th progress report, once you click on “Report Card History” you will see your student’s grades as reported on the progress report/report card.
In the event you need a hard copy of your student’s report card and are unable to print one yourself, please contact your student’s counseling office for assistance.
Thank you for partnering with us on insuring a greener El Dorado Union High School District!