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Measure Q Bond

Citizen's Oversight Committee (Education Code 15278 -- 15282)

Citizen's Oversight Committee (Education Code 15278 -- 15282)

The purpose of the COC (Citizens' Oversight Committee) shall be to inform the public concerning the expenditure of bond revenues.  The COC shall actively review and report on the proper expenditure of taxpayers' money for school construction.  The COC shall advise the public as to whether a school district or community college district is in compliance with the requirements of paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 1 of Article XIIIA of the California Constitution.
COC Members appointed by the El Dorado Union High School District Governing Board at a regular open session Board meeting include:
  • Business Organization Representative
    Jeni Bitnoff*
  • Senior Organization Representative
    Betty January
  • Parent Representative
    R. Scott Spriggs**
  • Parent Representative
    Scott Jonsson**
  • Parent-Teacher Organization Representative
    Bradley Silverbush**
  • Community Member At-Large
    Suzanna George*
  • Taxpayers' Organization Representative
    Karl Weiland*
* Appointed February 12, 2013
** Appointed September 11, 2012
El Dorado High School

El Dorado High School

EDHS Culinary Arts
el dorado cafeteria
el dorado cafeteria
el dorado cafeteria
el dorado cafeteria
Gym Roof at EDHS Before
Gym Roof at EDHS After
Tennis Courts at El Dorado High School Before
Tennis Courts at El Dorado High School Before
Tennis Courts at El Dorado High School After
EDHS Carpet
El Dorado East

El Dorado East

el dorado east
el dorado east
Oak Ridge High School

Oak Ridge High School

ORHS Field
ORHS Grill
ORHS Courts
Ponderosa High School

Ponderosa High School

PHS Roof Before
PHS Roof After
New Foods Lab at Ponderosa High School
New Gym Lobby at Ponderosa High School
New Gym Lobby at Ponderosa High School
PHS Flooring
PHS Flooring
Union Mine High School

Union Mine High School

UMHS Parking
UMHS Parking
UMHS Parking
UMHS Parking
UMHS Front Before
UMHS Front After
UMHS Field Before
UMHS Field After
UMHS Brick Before
UMHS Brick After
Independence High School

Independence High School

IHS Fencing
IHS Fencing
IHS Fencing
COC Reports / Project Updates

COC Reports / Project Updates

Bond Sale
On September 11, 2009, the El Dorado Union High School District went to market with the first $34 million of the $66.3 million dollar Measure Q bond.  Because of our strong fiscal management we received a favorable interest rate of 4.68%.

The district closed the bond sale and received the $34 million on September 30, 2008.
Financial Reports

Financial Reports

Next Meeting Agenda

Next Meeting Agenda

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes