Culinary Arts

Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation Industry Sector
Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation Industry Sector
Course Information
Mike Inks
El Dorado High School
561 Canal Street
Placerville, CA 95667
1:50 - 5:10 pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday OR Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Length of Course:
Full school year (August - May)
Students must start the course at the beginning of the fall semester.
10 credits per semester with a passing grade.
Course description
The ROP Culinary Arts Course is a competency-based course that prepares students for entry-level positions in the restaurant/food service industry. Students will learn about food safety, food service operations, nutrition, food preparation and presentation. Integrated throughout the course are career preparations standards, such as basic academic skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills, problem solving skills, safety and other employment skills. Students will gain professional experience by catering local events.
Enrollment Eligibility
High school juniors and seniors who are age 16 or older are eligible to enroll in this course.
Previous culinary class experience preferred.
Students must provide their own transportation to class.
High school juniors and seniors must request this course through their Counseling Office during their school's course selection period (January -