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Post Secondary Alternatives
The links below will help you to explore post-secondary options including trade schools, studying abroad, Peace Corps, internships and summer jobs.
Trade Schools and Colleges
Universities, Colleges & Trade Schools, the leading online education portal, lets you request information from education institutions across the US and Canada.
The Peace Corps
The Peace Corps challenges students to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries.
Amigos De Los Americas
Amigos is an international non-profit organization that provides community service opportunities for young people.
Summer Jobs
Offers summer jobs and seasonal staff positions with camps, amusement parks, resorts, national parks, hotels, environmental organizations and more.
CA Institute of Jewelry Training
the California Institute of Jewelry Training teaches the historic craft of jewelry making. Be apart of the beauty, culture and on going history of jewelry.
Study Abroad
A comprehensive directory of information on educational opportunities for students to study in other countries.
Disney World College Internship Program
The Disney College Program team is proud to offer students from across the country the opportunity to participate in our one-of-a-kind Living, Learning and Earning experience.
Snag A Job
SnagAJob.com lists hourly paid jobs for summer job seekers. Enter your zip code and find a summer job.
The Art Institute of CA -Sacramento
Interested in the arts? Get the skills you need to help break into a career in the creative and applied arts by visiting our site.
Makes career exploration in the Sacramento region easy and exciting! Provides individuals and organizations with one central location to find current, detailed information about which jobs are in high demand in the Sacramento Region, how much they pay, what type of education or training is recommended and where you can go to get it. All the information you need in one place!
The Army
Provides information and news about the United States Army.
The Navy
Provides information and news about the United States Navy.
The Air Force
Provides information and news about the United States Air Force.
The Marines
Provides information and news about the United States Marines.