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The Interview
- Learn about the company and the position. Check out their website and request information from the company’s public relations department. Information that can prove useful is the company’s size, its history, the main products and services they provide and current news stories.
- Double-check the time and location of the interview. If it is an area that is new to you, consult a map or take a drive there before so you know how to get there.
- Prepare what you want to say in the interview. Think about your greatest strengths and weaknesses, your most significant work or school experiences, your future plans and your ideal job.
- Review your resume and think about how your experiences can be matched up with the job’s requirements. Rehearse with a mock interview.
Interview Day
- Dress appropriately. Choose conservative clothing and keep jewelry and accessories to a minimum.
- Be punctual. Arrive a little early to allow yourself time to relax and focus.
- Bring along extra copies of your resume and a pad of paper and pen. Take notes on any interesting points or questions. Your notes will come in handy when preparing for a second interview or writing a follow-up letter.
- Be sure to listen carefully throughout the interview. It is easy to spend all your time planning your answers, but remember this is a conversation. Listening carefully helps you to respond appropriately. Make eye contact with the interviewer.
- Avoid generalities. Give concrete examples when describing your work/school experience. Always be positive. Don’t be critical of previous co-workers or bosses. The way you talk about your former or current boss may be seen as an indication of how you will talk about your future boss.
- Demonstrate that you have thought seriously about this career path and this company by asking intelligent questions about the position. Draw upon your research about the company or ask about the working conditions, the chances for advancement and major projects your prospective job would entail.
- Ask your interviewers for their business card(s) to ensure that you have the proper contact information when you follow-up.
- Emphasize you are interested in taking the process to the next step and why you are the ideal candidate.
Be yourself (sense of humor and all) and you will be on your way to being hired!