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CSU and UC Admissions
Since the Class of 2003, the University of California and California State University systems agreed to adopt the same courses required for freshman admission - making it easier for high school students to prepare for admission to both systems. High school course requirements are as follows:
- History/Social Science (including 1 year of U.S. History or 1 semester of U.S. history and 1 semester of civics or American Government AND 1 year of social science) - 2 years
- English - 4 years
- Math - 3 years (4 years recommended)
- Laboratory Science - 2 years
- Language other than English - 2 years
- Visual and Performing Arts (dance, drama/theater, music or visual art) - 1 year
- College Preparatory Elective (chosen from the University of California A-G list) - 1 year
Students are also encouraged to earn a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or better in the above courses with no grade lower than a C.
For students applying to a UC who are California residents - if a state resident student who has met the minimum requirements and isn't admitted to any UC campus to which they apply, that student will be offered a spot at another campus if space is available, provided:
- The student ranks in the top nine percent of California high school students - according to the UC admissions index, or
- The student ranks in the top nine percent of their graduating class at a participating high school (referred to as "Eligible in the Local Context" (ELC)).
Validation of "D" grades in foreign language and math: Both UC & CSU require that applicants have a grade of "C" or better in each term of the required "a-g" courses except that a "D" grade may be validated with a higher grade in the second semester or the next higher level course in foreign languages and mathematics. Even though the course requirement has been validated, the "D" grade will still remain in the grade point calculation.
Validation of language other than English: Both UC & CSU can validate the requirement for two years of language other than English with a first semester college level course in that language. The college course must show that the first semester of college study is equivalent to two years of high school study. Higher levels of either high school or college level language other than English courses can also validate lower levels of the same language courses.
For more information about CSU admissions guidelines, click here.
For more information about UC admissions guidelines, click here.