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Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and American College Test (ACT)
Most four-year colleges and universities require an entrance or placement examination. Colleges and universities in the U.S. usually accept either the ACT (American College Test) or the SAT I (Scholastic Aptitude Test). Test scores can be improved by taking the test multiple times. Please consult with the college or university of your choice for specific testing requirements.
Some colleges/universities require the SAT II (subject test). Check with the Collegeboard or your selected college/university to see if they require the SAT II for admission. When college/universities require the Sat II tests they are measuring your ability in the areas of writing, mathematics and one area of your choice. Make a list of possible colleges/universities that you are considering and request your score to be sent to those schools. Deadlines are set for each test date. Late fees are assessed if it is past the deadline. There are additional charges to change your test date or location after you have registered.
Registration Options:
- Online: Payment online is by Visa or MasterCard ONLY.
- ACT: www.act.org
- SAT: www.collegeboard.com
- By mail: Pick up an application form in the counseling center. Complete the application, mail the application before the deadline, enclose check or credit card information in the correct amount and a signature is required.
- By phone: After your first test, you may call and set up retest dates or scores and pay by phone. A credit card is needed, (Visa or MasterCard), an additional $10.00 fee is charged for this service.
Important Reminders:
- In order to register, you must have your high school code (see list below).
- Athletes remember to send scores to the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association)
- You must take a picture ID to the test center to be admitted.
- There are late registration deadlines for an additional fee.
- You cannot take the SAT I and SAT II on the same day.
- Check the test packet for other schools in your area that offer the test.