Human Resources Staff:
Tony DeVille (530) 622-5081 ext. 7251 or 7228
Deputy Superintendent, Human Resources
Deputy Superintendent, Human Resources
Kelsey Baggaley (530) 622-5081 ext. 7251
Administrative Assistant (Conf)
Administrative Assistant (Conf)
Jessica Dorsey (530) 622-5081 ext. 7214
Human Resources Specialist
Human Resources Specialist
Leslie Baker (530) 622-5081 ext. 7218
Human Resources Specialist
Human Resources Specialist
Debra Gomes (530) 622-5081 ext. 7228
Personnel Technician
Personnel Technician
Human Resources
Welcome to Human Resources

The El Dorado Union High School District Human Resources Department strives to recruit, support, and retain outstanding employees. Exceptional employees are critical to the mission of the District, which is a commitment to student learning by providing teaching excellence in a supportive environment.
It has been said, “If you begin with ‘who,’ rather than ‘what,’ you can more easily adapt to a changing world.” Our Human Resources team is responsible for the “who” and we want our “who” to be unparalleled.
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