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New Student Enrollment

New Student Enrollment

The El Dorado Union High School District utilizes Aeries Online Enrollment to quickly start the process of registering your child in school.
This process is not for current EDUHSD students.  It is only designed to enroll students who are new to the district including incoming 9th grade students from local public middle schools.
To utilize the system, you must have a valid residential address (not PO Box) within the El Dorado Union High School District boundaries and enroll your student in the school assigned to your address.  If you are unsure of which school your student is eligible to attend, please click
HERE to access the school locator page.
For students who do not live within the EDUHSD attendance area and are interested in attending one of our schools, please click HERE to access information regarding interdistrict transfers.
If you live within our district boundaries but would like your student to attend a school other than the one assigned to you by your residential address, please first complete the online enrollment process for your assigned school and then click HERE for instructions on requesting an intradistrict transfer application.  Please note that completion of an intradistrict transfer application does not guarantee placement in your requested school.  Transfers are not granted into Oak Ridge High School as it is an impacted campus.
Steps for Enrollment:
  • Gather the following required documents to upload:
  • Proof of Residence: To Establish proof of residency, per Education Code 48204.1, you will need to provide two documents selected from the following options (please note that statements with a P.O. Box are not acceptable):
  • Proof of Residency Document 1: Property tax payment receipt, rental agreement, or mortgage statement
    • Proof of Residency Document 2: Utility Bill (PG&E, water bill, etc), pay stub, or voter registration
  • Proof of Student Age: Per Education Code 48002, the following documents may be used to establish age (Please provide one of the following):
  • Certified or original copy of Birth Certificate, Baptism Certificate, Passport, Affidavit of the parent, guardian, or custodian of the minor
  • Parent/Guardian Proof of Identity - Driver’s License, State ID, Military ID, passport
If applicable, but not required, please include the following:
  • Copy of most recent IEP or 504 Accommodation Plan if your student receives those services
  • Court documents pertaining to your student such as custody paperwork (signed by judge or clerk), guardianship or foster placement paperwork, or restraining orders against any person involving your student
If your student is a current high school student, please provide a current transcript from the former school and exit grades (if enrolling during the school year).
If you need assistance with the registration process, please reference the EDUHSD Online Enrollment Guide for Families found below.


Under a law known as SB 277, beginning January 1, 2016 exemptions based on personal beliefs, including religious beliefs, are no longer an option for the vaccines that are currently required for entry into child care or school in California.  Most families will not be affected by the new law because their children have received all required vaccinations. Personal beliefs exemptions on file for a child already attending child care or school will remain valid until the child reaches the next immunization checkpoint at kindergarten (including transitional kindergarten) or 7th grade. 
  • Documentation of required immunizations must be submitted to the school before the student is allowed to attend class. 
  • Parents/guardians of Medically Exempt students must submit a Medical Exemption letter from a licensed physician (M.D. or D.O.) and provide documentation of immunizations which have been received.
For more information about SB 277, please see the Frequently Asked Questions available at:
For more information about school immunization requirements and resources, please visit the California Department of Public Health's website at, or contact the El Dorado County Immunization Assistance Program at 621-6100.