- Schools & Programs
Life Skills
Life Skills
Life Skills

GCF Learn Free - Free online education in everything from computer skills to math to career planning - check it out!
Online Typing Lessons - Get faster on the keyboard and improve job skills and daily life. Free!
Life Beyond High School Blog - Tips and strategies for planning your next step!
DMV YouTube Channel - Learn about the rules of the road and many other topics related to driving.
DMV Alternative Services - Services and accommodations available.
How to use Google Maps - Find your way anywhere in a car, bus or on foot!
Resume Creator- Answer this survey and create a resume!
Google Calendar Extensions - Stay on track and be more productive
WorkAbility I Staff:
WorkAbility I Staff:
Pam Bartlett (530) 622-5081 ext. 7253
Senior Director, Student Success
Senior Director, Student Success
Chandra Schreck (530) 350-5011
Transition Specialist, EDHS
Mary Prather (916) 934-2288
Transition Specialist, ORHS
Transition Specialist, ORHS
Wende Tostenson (530) 677-2281 ext. 2388
Transition Specialist, PHS