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Alternative Weather Plan

Instruction, Weather-Related Schedules

Instruction, Weather-Related Schedules

The Governing Board places a high priority on safety and the prevention of injury. The Board realizes that fog and weather conditions are sometimes so severe that it is dangerous for students and employees to come to school, whether they arrive by vehicle or on foot.  

Because adverse weather conditions regularly occur at predictable times of the year, the Superintendent or designee may establish alternative school day schedules as necessary.

The Superintendent or designee(s) may close school or change the regular school day schedule when dangerous conditions occur.  When the school day schedule is changed, the schools shall remain open during regular school hours for students who arrive on foot or whose parents/guardians bring them in private vehicles.

The Superintendent or designee(s) shall establish a system for informing students and parents/guardians when school buses are not operating and when the school day schedule is changed or school closed because of adverse weather conditions.

If necessary, the Superintendent or designee(s) may provide a means to compensate for lost instruction time later during the year. Students and parents/guardians shall receive timely advance notice of any resulting  change in the school calendar or school day schedule.

Types of Schedules

Types of Schedules

A goal of the Transportation Department is to provide maximum safety for students between home and school and on school sponsored trips. When inclement weather exists, alternative school schedules may be used.

Regular Schedule: Schools will start and dismiss at their usual times. Some buses may be delayed due to ice, snow or chaining of buses. Students should remain at bus stops until the bus arrives.

Alternative Schedule I: Schools will start at their usual time, but will dismiss early. Schools may close early due to heavy snow, no heat, no water in the the school or other emergency conditions. A minimum day will be declared after 240 minutes. The State defines minimum day as 240 minutes for comprehensive high schools and 180 minutes for alternative educations schools. Parents will be notified by ParentSquare, listening to TV and radio stations and/or via the automated ConnectEd phone system. It is also posted on the District website by connecting to 'Emergency & Inclement Weather Notice.'

Alternative Schedule II: Schools will start two (2) hours later than normal. Weather conditions may be improving and school could open on a delayed schedule. Only those schools affected by weather will be on a delayed schedule. Parents will be notified by ParentSquare, listening to TV and radio stations and/or via the automated ConnectEd phone system. It is also posted on the District website by connecting to 'Emergency & Inclement Weather Notice.'
Alternative Schedule III: Schools will start at their usual time. Some bus routes within those schools will run on a one (1) hour delay. Only those routes affected by inclement weather will be delayed. Parents will be notified by ParentSquare, listening to TV and radio stations and/or via the automated ConnectEd phone system. It is also posted on the District website by connecting to 'Emergency & Inclement Weather Notice.'

Closure of School: When it is found that travel is not safe for students and staff, affected schools will be closed. Parents will be notified by ParentSquare, listening to TV and radio stations and/or via the automated ConnectEd phone system. It is also posted on the District website by connecting to 'Emergency & Inclement Weather Notice.'
Reduced Visibility

Reduced Visibility

When atmospheric conditions reduce visibility on the roadway to 200 feet or less during regular home to school transportation, bus services may be delayed at the recommendation of  the Director of Transportation and with the approval of the Superintendent.

The Director of Transportation is responsible for checking visibility on the roadway to ensure the safe transportation of students on home to school routes.

Because not all areas of the District may be affected by the reduced visibility, only those areas affected will have a change in transportation schedules. Parents will be notified by ParentSquare and listening to TV stations.

Transportation Staff

Interim Director ofTransportation
(530) 622-5081 ext. 7247
Transportation Specialist / Dispatcher
(530) 622-5081 ext. 7245
Transportation Specialist / Dispatcher
(530) 622-5081 ext. 7013