General School Bus Services
Bus Conduct
Bus Conduct
Rules: All students are expected to behave in an appropriate manner at all times on the bus. Rules are posted in the bus.
Bus Safety Conditions:.
1. Be aware that all school rules apply on the bus.
2. Follow the directions of the driver.
3. Stay seated at all times while the bus is moving.
4. Be courteous, keep hands and feet to yourself.
5. No swearing, rude gestures, teasing, put downs, or excessive noise.
6. No tobacco products of any kind, including, lighters, matches, drugs, or alcohol.
Bus Safety Conditions:.
1. Be aware that all school rules apply on the bus.
2. Follow the directions of the driver.
3. Stay seated at all times while the bus is moving.
4. Be courteous, keep hands and feet to yourself.
5. No swearing, rude gestures, teasing, put downs, or excessive noise.
6. No tobacco products of any kind, including, lighters, matches, drugs, or alcohol.
Unsafe behavior on the bus will not be tolerated.
Bus Conduct Board Policy: BP 5131.1
Athletics & Field Trips
Athletics & Field Trips
- Behavior: When on a field trip or athletic event, students are expected to behave in an appropriate manner and follow all rules of the school and the bus.
- Information: The Transportation Department has information on scheduled departure and return times for athletic and other field trips. We do not know the exact time of return for trips due to variables, traffic, weather, length of the game, and students. For information on scheduled depart and return times, you can call (530) 622-5081 extension 7250 or 7245.
- Directions: The Transportation Department has suggested travel directions to locations of most school related events. For this information, call (530) 622-5081 extension 7250 or 7245.
- Transportation for School-Related Trips: Administrative Regulation 3541.1
- Reduced Visibility: When visibility drops to 200 feet or less, the driver shall stop the bus at a safe location and discontinue service until visibility is more than 200 feet. Drivers have discretionary authority to discontinue school bus operation if the driver determines that it is unsafe to continue operation because of reduced visibility. Alternative Weather Plan
- Bus Evacuation: Education Code 39831.5, School Bus Emergency Procedure and Passenger Safety. Prior to departure on a school activity trip, all pupils riding on a school bus or SPAB shall receive safety instruction which includes, but is not limited to, location of emergency exits, and location and use of emergency equipment. Instruction also may include responsibilities of passengers seated next to an emergency exit. Transportation, Safety, and Emergencies policy: Board Policy 3543 / Administrative Regulation 3543.
Bus Stops
Bus Stops
- Location: Bus stops are established to serve the maximum number of students possible.There are certain places where establishing a bus stop is prohibited. When a request for an additional bus stop on a route is received, the department looks at the request and how the request follows the criteria established in the District Board Policy and Administrative Regulation. The District establishes safe bus stops. It is the parents responsibility to get their students to and from the bus stop. Board Policy 3540, Administrative Regulation 3540
- Behavior: Student behavior at bus stops is the same appropriate behavior that is expected at school.
- 5-Minute Rule: Students are expected to be at their assigned bus stop five (5) minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Buses should not leave a stop before the designated pick-up time. In the event of ice and snow, buses may not go into some areas. Students are notified by phone in this event.
- Notes: In order for a student to go to another bus stop, the student must have a note written by their parent giving permission. The note is to be given to the bus driver.
- Street Crossings: All students need to be on the correct side of the road before the bus arrives in the morning. If there is no place for your student to stand on the right side of the road, call (530) 622-5081 extension 7242 to discuss this concern.The District does not provide bus shelters for students.
- Red Light Escorting: All students who must cross the street after leaving a school bus must use a crosswalk with traffic signals or cross under the protection of red signal light of the bus. High school students, by law, do not have to be physically escorted across the street. After departing the school bus, students crossing the street, must cross diagonally in front of the bus and not behind the bus.
- Red Light Runners: While students are exiting the school bus and/or crossing the street, the driver of the school bus will activate the red cross over lights and extend the stop arm, if so equipped. Vehicles shall not proceed past the school bus until the students are safely across the street and the red crossover lights and stop arm have been turned off by the school bus driver. When a vehicle passes a school bus while the red cross over lights are activated and the stop arm is extended, the driver will notify the California Highway Patrol of the incident and the CHP will take appropriate action. It is a violation of California state law to pass a school bus when the red cross over lights and stop arm are in use.
- Late Passes: When a bus arrives at school past the start time, drivers will give students a late pass indicating the bus was late. The school is notified by the Transportation Department when a bus is going to be late.
- Reduced Visibility: Title 13 34501.6 Vehicle Code, when visibility drops to 200 feet or less, the driver shall stop the bus at a safe location and discontinue service until visibility is more than 200 feet.
Safety & Training
Safety & Training
- Safety: School bus transportation is rated by the national Safety Council as the safest form of passenger transportation. Our school bus drivers are specially trained to give students the best service and protection available.
- School Bus Driver Qualifications: Each school bus driver completes classroom and road instruction before receiving certification to drive a school bus. The District requires all school bus drivers to complete first-aid instruction, to attend regularly scheduled safety meetings and additional training sessions as needed to maintain the skills needed to safely transport students. School Bus Driver Administrated Regulation: 4219.3-70
- Drug and Alcohol Free: The Transportation Department is part of a drug and alcohol free District. Employees of the department participate in a federally mandated program for drug and alcohol testing. Transportation employees are tested for drug and/or alcohol before employment and then randomly. Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers Board Policy: 4112.42
- Licensing: School bus drivers posses a class A or B California drivers license, with an air brake endorsement and a passenger transport endorsement. Testing, written and driving, for a California Special Drivers certificate to drive a school bus, is done by the California Highway Patrol. The special certificate is issued by the California Department of Motor Vehicles.
Bus Equipment
Bus Equipment
- Capacity of the Vehicle: The capacity of a school bus is established by the manufacture and the California Highway Patrol. Most of the District's buses are 84 passenger vehicles. This means that there are three (3) students to each seat. While this may be crowded, it does not exceed the legal stated capacity of the bus. When there are more students assigned to a bus than the legal capacity of the vehicle, the driver will notify the office and another bus will be sent to pick up students. The District will not exceed the legal capacity of the school bus. Students are not allowed to sit on the floor or stand while the bus is in motion. Adjustments of stops may be necessary in order to eliminate possible over crowding on buses.
- Inspections: Drivers are required to safety inspect each bus they drive daily. This inspection includes, but is not limited to, all safety equipment, lights, tires and brakes. District mechanics do a preventive maintenance inspection of all buses every 3,000 miles or 45 calendar days, whichever comes first; or more often if necessary to ensure safe operation. A representative of the California Highway Patrol, Motor Carrier division safety inspects and certifies all buses once a year.
- Seat Belts vs. Compartmentalization: Seat belts are not required on school buses. Child safety seats are also not required. School bus seats are designed to absorb the impact of a collision. The design includes padding and high backs on seats. This design is called compartmentalization. It provides the safest ride possible for your child.
- Age and Condition of the Fleet: The buses in the El Dorado Union High School District are in very good condition. We have 30 buses. The average age of district buses is 10.6 years.
- Items Left on the Bus: Any item found on the bus will be brought forward and will remain on the bus for two (2) days for reclaiming. At the end of the second day, the driver will return the item to the appropriate school, if known, or return it to the Transportation Department. If you are looking for an item, first have your student check with the driver. The driver should be able to tell your students where the item can be claimed. Sometimes when items are left on the bus, another student may pick up the item. Items left on the bus are not the responsibility of the driver or the school district.
- Skateboards: Drivers have the authority to determine where a student's skateboard will be stored when on the bus. Drivers may ask students to store the skateboard in the luggage compartment.
- Bus Passes: Students are required to carry their identification card and bus pass with them at all times. Students are required to show the bus driver their bus pass each morning and afternoon. Students who do not have a bus pass with them may be directed to sit in an assigned seat by the driver. Drivers do not collect money. Bus Fees
Transportation Staff
Transportation Specialist / Dispatcher
(530) 622-5081 ext. 7245
Transportation Specialist / Dispatcher
Julie Ribolin
Julie Ribolin
(530) 622-5081 ext. 7013